Monday, April 7, 2014

#BlogExodus Day 6: Clean

I do like the idea of cleaning my house to get ready for Pesach.  I don't really like doing it.  It feels good to get rid of all the jars which have been in the refrigerator for unknown amounts of time.  I suppose you could also look at Pesach and also see it as a time to clean house in other ways as well.

Time to finish old projects, time to think about new projects and plan out the year ahead.  This is coincidentally the time of year I plan my school calendar for the upcoming year.  It is fun to look ahead and think about what I might create next year.  Creating new programs has always been one part of my job I have always enjoyed.

(Note to readers:  I had a funny article about how my family blames our cleaning help for losing objects they have lost and then the cleaning help actually finds whatever is lost.   They told me I couldn't write about that.  If you want to hear the stories let me know as I changed the blog but I don't think my family ever reads it, although they claim they do)

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