I then made my way to the shiva minyan for a Lakeside congregant, on time I might add and although shiva's are by nature sad, I was very happy to see many congregants in attendance including many of my B'nai Mitzvah students who are friends of the grandchildren. They did a nice job helping me lead t'filot. That's my community.
This week I know my community will be here as I go in February 19 for a "scope" of my knee. I have been limping around for a month and believe this will be the answer for me. It is an easy process one done at a clinic as an out patient process. I have cleared my calendar for a week and having just said that hope to be back at work sooner than later.
There is a great blog post going around by Coffee Shop Rabbi giving reasons why people should join synagogues. She mentions being able to pray with a community and being a part of a caring community as just a few of the reasons why she likes being a member of a synagogue (even though she herself is a Rabbi). I too like being part of a community and will send out updates on how the "scope" goes tomorrow. Many people have checked in already and I thank them for that. It's just too bad I can't tweet the surgery. I bet that would get a lot of hits.