Sunday, March 17, 2013

Arriving in Israel

It begins when you are standing in the security line to board your plane for Israel.  2 young Israelis ask the couple in front of me if this is their first time in Israel.  They reply yes it is, and the Israelis proceed to tell them that they will have a wonderful time in touring and seeing the sites while they are here in Israel.  I don't think that happens in every airport line, never mind in every security line.

Writing my blog looking out at the Judean Hills
After my flight I arrive at Kibbutz Tzuba, to visit Ethan, my youngest son, who is studying on Eisendrath International Exchange (EIE).  Ethan is studying, traveling and experiencing Israel with 84 other students from all over the United States.  He is finishing his Junior year of High School and taking his classes in English as well as an additional 3 hours of Hebrew and 3 hours of Jewish History.  I will post some of his remarks later as I would not do him or his experiences here justice.

Yesterday during morning T'filot, services, just as we were in the middle of praying the Amidah, standing prayer, we could clearly hear the call of the Muezzin, the cleric at a Mosque charged to call everyone to pray.   It is is unusual to hear the Arabic call to pray as you pray in Hebrew, but a beautiful part of being in Israel.

Last night after Havdahlah we went into Jerusalem and had a nosh with friends and visited Mamila Mall.  It is in outdoor mall which is very close to the Old City of Jerusalem.  I think the parents and students had a good time shopping.
Ethan at Tzuba

Today with many of the parents visiting Masada I will be in Jewish history class with Ethan.  I have been known to not keep quiet during these visits but will be on good behavior.

It rained this morning, I guess my prayers in the Amidah yesterday when we all prayed for rain came true.  The sun is coming out and it should be a wonderful day.

One last story well, for today.  On the cab ride here after the driver asked (in Hebrew of course) if I knew the way to Tzuba, which I do not; he asked where I was from.  I mentioned that I live near Chicago.  (It's easier than saying Deerfield) He told me there are many people here  from Chicago. I am not sure if he meant Jerusalem or Israel but I responded immediately, yes there were many people here from Chicago including Barak Obama.  He smiled and said, "B'emet" (really?) and I told him B'emet that Obama lived in Chicago and had been my Senator before he was President.  My cabbie thought that was very funny...or maybe it was my Hebrew.  We will never know.

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