This week’s Torah portions, Behar-Bechukotai (from the Mountain and by my decrees) are rich with lessons that you’ll notice if you’re paying attention, but for the d’var Torah I am sharing tonight -- I’d like to turn to a practice that I have thought of frequently in these last five years -- Sefrot Ha-Omer, the counting of the Omer. Tonight is the 35th day of the Omer, 5 weeks, --×”ַיּď‹×ť ×—ֲמִשָּׁ×” וּשְׁלֹשִׁים ×™ď‹×ť שֶׁ×”ֵם ×—ֲמִשָּׁ×” שָׁבוּעď‹×Ş ×śָעֹֽמֶר.
Hayom chamishah ushloshim yom shehem chamishah shavuot la-omer.
As I thought about being in Sefirot Ha-Omer I realized that cancer patients do quite a bit of counting. You can ask any survivor here and they will be able to tell you how many years/months/weeks or days they have been either in treatment or declared NED, No Evidence of disease. We count how many treatments we have yet to go and how many we have been through. We count the procedures we have had, the operations, infusions and other medical treatments. Our counting is medical, but also, like the Omer, meditative as we walk this journey.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in November 2018 and from that date I began counting -- that is 4 years 11 months and 2 weeks of living with cancer. That diagnosis changed many things in my life and in the lives of my family and friends. For me, living out the winding journey of my cancer diagnosis, I recognize how precious each day, each season, each year can be. I count them with joy. While some journeys are about introspection, this one -- like the communal act of counting the Omer -- has focused my gaze on the power of those around me, and tonight I’d like to share how the power of community has come to life for me during the past few years.
I made a decision when I was first diagnosed to share my journey through a blog. Feel free to check out InoneEhrlich where you can read my whole story. Jewish practice, by tradition, is communal and it was on my blog that I first mentioned that beyond good wishes, another way of supporting me, family, friends, and people who are going through cancer is through fulfilling the obligations from Eilu d’varim sh’ain l’hem shiru, which we say in our daily morning prayers. Unlike the Omer, and unlike the careful application of lifesaving drugs like tamoxafin, these are the things you can do WITHOUT measure: going to services, studying, committing deeds of loving kindness and visiting the sick. This form of Tzedakah or gimilut chasadim brought comfort to my family and myself -- beyond measure and without count.
I always caution people NOT TO GOOGLE ovarian cancer, or any other cancer. The one place I ALWAYS tell everyone to google is Sharsheret. Sharsheret, Hebrew for "chain". We know that due to a higher prevalence of a BRCA mutation, Ashkenazi Jews have a higher risk of developing not just breast and ovarian cancer but also other cancers. Knowledge is power, especially when it means catching cancer early. I am so glad to thank Sharsheret for all their help and support over the past 4 and half years. They matched me with a mentor, sent information, scarves and makeup to me. This year I am proud to say I was asked to be on the long term strategic planning committee for Sharsheret and am able to give back with my time and energy.
In the summer of 2019, after 7 months of treatment and 3 sessions of chemo, surgery, 5 more sessions of chemo, I was able to ring the bell and was pronounced NED. I was glad to have that part of the counting over -- and a new part of my counting began. Though luckily, I was able to kick off a new season of counting reunited with my annual 2 weeks of rejuvenation at the URJ Summer camp, Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute. As part of this new season of counting, I decided to do a personal mitzvah and went to the Mikveh, the Jewish ritual bath after getting the good news. The mikvah attendant prepared personal healing prayers for me and as the water washed over me, I cried. Like finishing counting the Omer, I felt a sense of completion -- and at the same time, I felt I had brushed up against my mortality and kept going -- all while counting.
Fast forward to May 2023. We are here together to raise money for such a good cause. It has been 3 years, 11 months and 2 weeks in my journey since I rang the bell. Since I was diagnosed we have added two grandchildren to our family, both great additions and a wonderful way to keep counting in our family. My father also died last year of pancreatic cancer, which I believe will eventually be listed as a “Jewish cancer” the same as breast and ovarian cancer. While subtraction, his death is another soul we must count.
My family was with me for every counting and journey marker. Either Arthur, my husband, or my kids, Ethan and Lital, took me to my 8 hour chemo appointments. Jonathan made sure we had groceries and clean clothes. Thank you. I would be remiss if I did not thank Sharsheret for carefully planning tonight’s gala NOT to be on a night when the Boston Celtics are scheduled to play in the playoffs.
Thank you to everyone who is here this evening. I want to especially thank All the Rabbis, Cantors and Educators who are here this evening from the Reform community who support me all year long. With your support and interest Sharsheret will continue to serve our community and grow from strength to strength.
And now for the part of the evening where we need to do MORE counting and not just the Omer. The Steinberg’s and I have laid out for you our connection to Sharsheret and we know many of you have made generous contributions in honor of us to Sharsheret and this evening. IF however you were looking for ONE MORE chance to donate, we have the opportunity for YOU. Please take out your phones, and text “CHAIN” to 50155 to send your donation.
Instructions are on the screens above!
Sharsheret’s financial subsidies help cover the cost of life changing services – 3D nipple tattoos, cold caps, and human hair wigs, or cancer related life necessities, like mortgage or rent payments, car repairs, or groceries. Sharsheret has received "seed" money for these subsidies to help women who call, and now we are looking to raise another $25k to meet the demand. As a woman who called, I am happy to speak with you personally if you’d like to hear more about how meaningful that support is.
Every bit helps, you can send 18 which is the numerical equivalent Chai or life, Double chai, 10 times Chai is also great --
for those of you who's counting acumen skipped over multiplication, 10 TIMES Chai is 180, and to do 100 Times Chai, you just add a zero.
If you do not want to donate via text, staff is walking up and down the aisles with pledge cards, just raise your hand!
While you are pulling out your phones and I am sure SOME of you have checkbooks still I want to share where your dollars will go –
The average subsidy that Sharsheret provides is $2,500. If we raise $25,000 tonight, we can help 10 women in need.
Last fall a woman called Sharsheret because her car had broken down and she could not pay the mechanic’s bill, and without a car she could not drive to and from chemotherapy. Through Sharsheret’s financial subsidies Sharsheret was able to directly pay the mechanic $2,000, and the next week she was able to drive to treatment. If you choose to donate $2,000 tonight, you can sponsor the next woman who is in need.
Every day new women call Sharsheret in need of a human hair wig during treatment. Each wig is valued at $750. If you choose to donate an additional $750 tonight, you will provide a wig to a woman in need.
A quick note - if you’re having technical difficulties, don’t be shy! Raise your hand and a Sharsheret representative will come over and help you. This is too important to let technology get in the way!
I want to tell you about a woman who called Sharsheret last month who was hitting hard financial times due to her diagnosis – Sharsheret was able to support her by sending $500 for groceries for her family. If you and the person next to you each donate the $250 tonight, you can be the sponsor for the next woman who is in need.
Last but not least – you may not know this but today is Eve’s birthday. She has spent the last 5 years dedicated to Sharsheret. For those of you who haven’t texted yet, let’s pledge $36 to celebrate Eve, our fearless leader in Chicago!
We have hit 9,000 already tonight!!!!
Right now we have a waiting list of 15 women in the queue to receive financial subsidies from Sharsheret.
If we can reach our $25,000 goal, we can help the first 10 women move off of the wait list.
Sharsheret is an organization which was started by one woman connecting to another for support – 22 years later, how far we have come. The money we raise tonight will help each woman and in addition her family, when she picks up the phone to call Sharsheret, and will help us look into the future and as we learn more about cancer, who it affects and how we can help.
(If you got this far in my d'var and want to donate click here.)
With your support, I know that support will be on the other end of that line when they call. Kein yehi ratzon. May it be God’s Will